BMW 540i 3.5" MAF

OBD1 tunes that have been modified
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BMW 540i 3.5" MAF

Post by Renovelo »

This is one of the most popular modifications done for OBD1 BMWs. Now, it's just as easy to recalibrate your DME! Attached below are example files from all DME versions known in existence today.

The part numbers for this MAF sensor are as follows:
Bosch: 0-280-217-800
BMW: 13-62-1-702-078

Warning: Do not apply these changes without reading this post first. The tunes supplied below have only had the MAF transfer function changed, nothing else. If your results are like ours, you car will run a bit lean during WOT. Therefore, it will be necessary to richen the fuel tables a bit to compensate.

These tunes should only be used if you have a wideband oxygen sensor to monitor your A/F ratios!
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