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Post by aseverino01 »

What clutch do you guys recommend for a 2004 325i? Im pushing around 350 at the time and the max I'm going is probably 420hp with up too 400 in Torque
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Re: MS45.1

Post by Renovelo »

Good question! I'm not sure we can make a recommendation from direct experience with a car similar to yours. However, on one of the shop cars we used to have (95 M3 with GT35R turbo), we used Southbend's stage 2 clutch and loved it! It had slightly heavier pedal pressure compared to stock (because of the increased clamping force from the pressure plate) but it engaged exactly like the stock clutch. It looks like Southbend offers a few different stages for the 2001-2005 325i (up to 500 ft lb).

On one of our E46 shop cars, we tried UUC's kevlar clutch and lightweight flywheel. I wouldn't recommend that setup because of the driveability and the noise. Also, when we had issues with it later, the customer service wasn't great.
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Re: MS45.1

Post by rkneeshaw »

First question to answer is if you want a single mass or the stock-style dual mass flywheel.

I hear a lot of people recommending the synchro design works single mass kit.

I have a ZHP 6 speed so my options were very limited if I stuck with the dual mass flywheel, and I did because I didnt want chatter. I went with a Sachs Performance unit and it holds really well with a slightly heavier pedal feel but good daily drivability.
2003 BMW 330i ZHP
ESS TS2 Supercharger and other goodies
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