E46 330i supercharger ICV delete?

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Re: E46 330i supercharger ICV delete?

Post by Renovelo »

Yeah, I think you're finding that deleting the ICV is just putting a band-aid on a bigger problem. We checked the disassembly and there appears to be only a couple ways around these DTCs. The first is a curve called IP_TPS_MAX_TPS_RATIO_DIAG. The second is a parameter C_VB_MIN_MTC_CTL_DIAG. This is probably a safety critical component, so we won't offer any advice on how to "tune" this; you're on your own! There are also three other parameters that determine if it throws 0xA0 vs. 0xA1: C_MTCPWM_PI_MAX_DIAG, C_T_MTCPWM_PI_DIAG_CUR_OFF, C_T_MTCPWM_PI_DIAG.

Did you try flashing the 330i supercharger tune we made available on our forums? This one worked fine for us when we helped with another customer's car. Again, there shouldn't be any need to delete the ICV when doing forced induction.
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Re: E46 330i supercharger ICV delete?

Post by agueritz »

Thanks, I'll have a look at those parameters. However I am also comparing the original dyno tuned SC map with a stock v56 bin file to see if I missed any other parameters when transcribing them into the Renovelo stock file for the 330.

No, I did not flash the SC tune from the forum as I have a rising rate FPR so different fuelling characteristics. And the base map I am working with was tuned on the dyno so I know it is relatively sound.

I would not be doing the ICV delete if I could otherwise eliminate the frequent P1500 / 211 errors from the ICV which kick the car into limp home. If there was another way to fix that I would go that way
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Re: E46 330i supercharger ICV delete?

Post by agueritz »

Suspecting now that the throttle body is failing. It's a new part but on investigation it is not an OE part so maybe just not up to the job. Getting it checked out and replaced next week if necessary
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